miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012


La Bruja Befana en Italia

La bruja de la Befana es una figura típica de un gran número de zonas de Italia. Su nombre proviene de la palabra epifanía, la festividad religiosa en la época de Navidad que se celebra en Italia.
Según la tradición, la Befana visita las casas de los niños de Italia la noche del 5 al 6 de enero montada en su escoba para llenar los calcetines que estos dejan en sus casas con regalos y caramelos si han sido buenos o con carbón si se han portado mal.

Orgien de la leyenda de la Befana

Según cuenta la leyenda de la Befana, los Reyes Magos al perderse de camino a Belén para llevar sus presentes al niño Jesús, pidieron ayuda a una anciana para que les guiase en el camino. A pesar de las súplicas de los Reyes Magos para que les ayudara, la anciana no accedió y se quedó en su casa.
Después de pensárselo mejor, la anciana se arrepintió de no haber acompañado a los Reyes Magos y preparó una cesta con varios dulces y se fue en busca de los Reyes Magos. Al no conseguir encontrarles, la anciana se iba parando en cada casa que encontraba y regalaba los dulces que había preparado a los niños, confiando en que alguno de ellos fuera el niño Jesús.

 Video de La Befana :   LA BEFANA


lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012


0. Download the story collection called '4shortstories'. To do so you need to go to FILES at the top of the page. Click on Files 1 Bilingual. Then click on the file with the name mentioned. Copy the story called 'The Monkey's Foot' and paste it on a new page on your blog. Then, ....
1.Read the story from the beginning right to the end. Underline the words that you don't know.
2.Write a summary of the story in Spanish just as you understood. Use your blog preferably. If you can't use your blog, use your notebook.
3.Read the story again. Try to infer the meaning of the words underlined from the context. Write then down on your blog.
4.Use a dictionary to check that your guess is right.
5.Read the story again from the very beginning. Make sure that this time you remember the meaning of the words that you underlined.
6.Write a summary of the story in your own words. Your teacher will tell you how many words it must have.
7.Write a 10 item questionnaire about the content of the story.
8.Make sure you carry out the indications of your teacher. He'll give you a little test to find how much you remember.

The Monkey's Foot

Mr and Mrs White lived in a nice small house. Their son Herbert lived with them. Herbert worked in a factory He worked at a big machine. Mr White worked in an office. Mrs White was a housewife.
There were not many houses near them. "I want a house near the town," said Mr White.
"But it's £400 for a house near the town, and we're not rich." "No,"said Mrs White,"but we're happy here, aren't we, Herbert?" "Yes, but Dad's right," said Herbert. "We're a long way from the shops and the train and the bus."
One day, an old friend came to dinner. His name was Mr Morris. The Whites liked to hear his stories. He talked about many countries. When Mr Morris knocked at the door, Mr White opened it.
"Come in, come in," he said. "Good to see you. How are you? Come and sit by the fire,
"Thank you," said Mr Morris. "How are you, Mrs White, Herbert?"
"Very well, thank you," they said.
"Dinner isn't ready," said Mrs White. "Tell us a story, Mr Morris." "A story about India," said Herbert. "I'm going to India, some day."
Mr Morris said nothing. He had something in his hand.
"What's that, Mr Morris?" said Mrs White.
"This?" said Mr Morris. "It's a monkey's foot "
"A monkey's foot?" said the Whites.
"Yes. Don't touch it."
"Why not?" said Herbert.
Mr Morris looked at the fire.
"Mr Morris, aren't you well?" asked Mrs White.
"Oh yes, thank you," said Mr Morris. "I'm not ill."
"Tell us about the monkey's foot," said Herbert.
"Yes," said Mr Morris. "I had this foot from a man in India. He said...."
"Yes?" said the Whites.
"With this foot you can ask for three things. You can have three wishes."
"How?" said Herbert.
"Take the foot in your hand and say, 'I wish for....'. Then say what you want."
"And you asked for three things?" said Mrs White.
"No." Mr Morris looked at the fire again. "I only asked for one thing," he said. "I had
one wish. I got it."
"A good thing?" asked Herbert.
"No, it was not," said Mr Morns. "No more questions, please. You always have a good big fire here. I'm going to put the monkey's foot on your fire."
"Don't," said Herbert. "Give it to us."
"Why not?"
"Because you are my friends."
"Dinner's ready," said Mrs White.
Mr Morris put the foot on the fire. He went to the table with Mr White. Herbert jumped up and got the foot from the fire. He put it on a little table. Mr Morris did not see it.
After dinner he went home. "Here's the foot," said Herbert. "I'm going to ask for something."
"Don't, Herbert," said Mrs White.
Herbert did not listen to her. "Dad," he said, "you want £400. Wish for £400. Here's the
foot. "
"I want £400," said Mr White. Then he said, "The foot jumped in my hand!"
"Where's the money?" said Herbert. "There's no money here. I'm going to bed."
"Put that thing on the fire," said Mrs White. "I don't like it."
But Mr White put the foot on the table. In the morning, at breakfast, Herbert said,
"No letters today. No £400 for you, Dad."

"I'm happy here without the money," said Mrs White.
Herbert went to his factory. "Back to my machine," he said. Mr White went to his office. Mrs White worked in the house.
When Mr White came home in the evening, he said, "Any money?"
"No," said Mrs White.
"Where's Herbert?" said Mr White.
"He isn't back from the factory," said Mrs White .
Seven o'clock came. Eight o'clock. Herbert wasn't back. "Where is he?" said Mrs White.
Then there was a knock at the door. "Open it," said Mrs White. Mr White opened the door. A man was there. He said, "Mr White? The father of Herbert White?"
"I'm from the factory," said the man.
"Come in."
"Thank you," said the man. He had something in his hand. "This is a letter for you," he said. "A letter from the factory."
"Where's Herbert?" said Mrs White. "Where's my son?"
The man said nothing.
"Is Herbert ill?" said Mr White.
"No," said the man. "Not ill."
"Is he....?"
"He is dead," said the man. "Your son is dead."
"The machine," said the man. "The big machine.... "
"I want to see my son," said Mrs White.
"No," said the man again. "The machine...."
Mrs White said nothing.
"This letter," said the man. "It's from the factory. We want to give you some money."
"£400," said the man.
Mr and Mrs White were in bed. They were not asleep.
"Are you cold, my love?" said Mr White.
"No," she said. "But my boy Herbert is cold tonight. "
Then she said, "Where is it?"
"The foot. The monkey's foot. We have two wishes. I'm going to get the foot."
"No, no,my love."
But she went to the sitting room. "Here it is," she said. "On the little table."
"Please, please, my love, don't," said Mr White.
She said nothing. The monkey's foot was in her hand.
"I want my son back again," she said. The foot jumped in her hand.
"Come back to bed, my love. You're ill," said Mr White. But she listened. Something walked up the road to the house. Something knocked at the door. Again and again, something knocked at the door.
"Open the door!" she said.
"No," said Mr White.
"I'm going to open it," she said. "I'm coming, my boy, I'm coming!"
Mr White looked for the monkey's foot. "Here it is," he said. "I wish my son back in the cemetery”
The foot jumped in his hand. Mrs White opened the door. There was nothing there.


El texto va de una familia que vive lejos de la ciudad , a ellos le gustaria tener 400 libras. Un dia a su casa vino un hombre con una pata de mono y decia que cumplia 3 deseos , el no lo queria y lo tiro .
Cuando el hombre se fue el hijo lo cogio y pudio un deseo. 
El deseo fue que tuvieran 400 libras.
Al dia siguiente su hijo se fue a la fabrica a trbajar.
Cuando se hizo de noche su hijo no volvia ,luego fue un hombre a su casa y les entrego una carta en la que decia que su hijo habia muerto

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012


Short Stories

Please, take a look at the stories you can find in FILES in 1 Bilingual. For the time being, I'd like you to browse through them and have an idea how difficult they are to understand.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012


 My favourite urban legend


Find a website that deals with urban legends, preferably in English.
Read a few.
Retell the one you liked most.
Write two versions: One in English (your own words). One in Spanish (your own words)


Los vampiros, para mantenerse inmortales, debían alimentarse de sangre humana que conseguían clavando sus afilados dientes en el cuello de sus víctimas para sorberles el preciado líquido de la arteria. Y así una y otra vez, hasta que el infeliz "donante" se iba debilitando hasta fallecer y convertirse, a su vez, en otro vampiro


The vampaire ,to remain inmortal ,must feed on human blood getting sharp teeth into the neck of their vitims for the precious liquid sorberles artery.And so again and again ,until the unhappy donor grew weaker unil he died and become ,in turn another vampire.

TASK 5.2



Please, write a full report of your visit to Málaga harbour. Make sure that it relects the following information:


by bus

Miguel y Araceli

 The aula del mar  is a place where the sea  teacherus things and help sea animals are endargered .The port of Malaga was founded by the Phoenicians.
The port is  one  of the oldest ports of Spain.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012




Lo que hoy conocemos como la Noche de Brujas o Halloween se celebraba hacen más de 3000 años por los Celtas, un pueblo guerrero que habitaba zonas de Irlanda, Inglaterra, Escocia y Francia. Precisamente el 31 de octubre, los Celtas celebraban el fin de año con el Samhain, una fiesta pagana. Con la inmigración europea a los Estados Unidos, principalmente la de los irlandeses catolicos en 1846, llegó la tradición de Halloween al continente americano. Cuando se habla de Halloween o Día de las Brujas se piensa en disfraces, maquillaje, fiesta, dulces y niños; pero la tradición indica que su celebración no siempre fue festiva y alegre, y que los ritos que se practicaban durante la noche tenían un carácter purificador y religioso. 


Cuando el emperador Constantino decretó que los habitantes de su imperio se convirtieran al cristianismo, muchos ritos paganos se introdujeron. Fue así como el festival de Samhain se infiltro.

Hacia el siglo VIII, la Iglesia Cristiana convirtió el día 1 de noviembre en el día de Todos los Santos para rendir homenaje a todos los santos que no tuvieran un día particular de celebración. A lo largo de los años, estos festivales se combinaron, y la mayoría llamó "All hallowmas" (la masa de todos los santos, de las personas santas) al Día de Todos los Santos. La noche anterior se conoció como "All Hallows Eve" (Víspera del Día de Todos los Santos). Con el tiempo, su nombre se convirtió en Halloween.

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012



INSTRUCTIONS: Find information about Málaga harbour and Aula del Mar. Use photos and write the information on your blog.



Puerto de MálagaComo buena ciudad mediterránea, Málaga ha estado siempre vinculada al mar y a las riquezas que de él provienen y que siempre nos han dado la vida a los malagueños.
Hasta tal punto es así, que Málaga siempre ha contado con dos torres que la identifican y definen: la Catedral y la Farola.
Resguardado por una bahía natural, el Puerto de Málaga se ha convertido en el segundo puerto de Cruceros Turísticos de la Península, siendo objeto de visita de las más importantes líneas de cruceros del mundo y de los más emblemáticos cruceros como el Queen Mary II. Este segmento será aún más potenciado por la Nueva Terminal para Cruceros y Buques para la zona del morro del dique.
Por otro lado, el Plan Especial del Puerto supondrá la integración definitiva del Puerto en la Ciudad, proporcionando a ésta y a su Centro Histórico, la fachada marítima que siempre han anhelado, dando un uso cultural y de ocio a los actuales muelles 1 y 2.


My favourite Film

1. Decide which film you want to tell about.
2. Write a summary of the story in your own words.
3. Add a video of the trailer or some photos to illustrate it.


With a team of super heroes the call because an unexpected 
 enemy threatens to put the world in danger and  
the international agency meets to save the world
The are super heroes Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk
 Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012



Watch the video entitled 'Introducing yourself in English'. Listen as many times as you want. Copy the chart below and fill it in with the details of the people in the video.

name                  age            nationality    other  information

Woo Sung                           ?                             Her favorite actrees is Julia Robert Chung

Dayanne                                                                     her favorite actor is Antonio Banderas     Leal             ?


Jonathan                      ?                Guatemala                He is a computer engineer


Agnes                          ?                   

Brad                          ?                   


Calum                       18                Scothland      He studies in Harvad University

Hana Lee             20                New York                  She studies in Boston college

Kevin                     ?                                       His favorite actrees is Angelina Jolie                          

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


1. Watch the video entitled 'First Day of High School' in the video section on the Main Page or click on the title.
2. What differences can you find when you compare the school in the video with our own school.
3. Write a text following the model below:
    In the American school, students can/do, etc,
    In our school students ..........
    The American school has ...... but our school   
    has/hasn't .....
4. Copy the video on your blog. Paste the text on your blog.

                                        ECHO POR : Carlos y Rebecca.

                    American school´s profesional basketball team, hallaways  are       diffents from our and our  school has three floors


martes, 2 de octubre de 2012


My name is Rebecca , I have 12 years.I live in Rincon de la victoria.
My old school is the Miguel Hernandez .
I live with my mother, my sister and my broter. I  like playing  football,basketball,volleyball ...
I like to watch on TV Disney Channel.
The subject is that i like drawing and PE.